Not all scars show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can't always see, the pain someone feels

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Saturday, March 3, 2012


Let me straight to my point,,

I've been exactly drafting this post for 3 days, and I think I can post it right at this moment..
I know some people really proud of their hometown, and some other people really stand for what they believe in, but sometimes you've got to open your freakin' brain to receive others opinion about everything that you believe is true..

I hate debating about my hometown versus yours, cause I know no one's gonna win, and in the end we just making our relationship worse, I don't know if you guys are the kind of people who think that arguing about hometown is a usual thing, but for me, hometown is kinda sensitive topic, even just to discuss it.. That's why I rarely said something like "Oh, my hometown is really beautiful" or "Yeah, it's the best island in the world", something that most of my hometown friends when they for the first time go outside that island, arguing something like that just make you look stupid to be honest, it's okay if you just give some information or promote something that is genuinely came from your hometown, but when you trying to persuade someone about the greatness of your hometown by making other places look bad, or by comparing something good from your hometown with something bad from others hometown---it just doesn't right, I admire someone who promotes his/her hometown, by doing something good, maybe like, singing traditional songs, or dancing some unique moves, or even making some delicious food that can make us interested about their hometown..

Sometimes, many people still not used to live in differences, they just get "shocked" when they, for the first time live outside their hometown "cage", and they will start to compare everything new that they encounter with what they usually do or see in their hometown, there;s nothing wrong with it, since it is the time that we start to recognize about differences, time when we begin to realize that this world is really big, and the time when we trying to learn how to give respect toward differences, but it will be wrong if we do the comparison by always assuming something that we usually do or see in our hometown is the right one--it is just narrow-minded dude!

I understand there are so many people who really love their hometown, which make them really want to make people see their hometown as a "great" place to live or visit,  and I also admit that I didn't have the sense-of-belonging as high as yours, but it is just hard to accept that some people really get "blinded" by that sense-of-belonging, I don't know, maybe this opinion is wrong, but I think the term "sense of belonging" have been shifted toward "fanatism" when someone keeps proving something that they believe in is true, eventough there are evidences that prove what they believe in is absolutely wrong,

Haha, there are just so many doctrines in this world, maybe when we child we easily accepted and believed it, but once we grown up, once we start to learning by ourselves, and once we have our set of value, we will realize that there is nothing that is absolutely right or wrong, theres nothing that absolutely good or bad, this life is just so complicated, and like Einstein theory, this life is full of relativity, :)

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences”

- Audre Lorde -


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