For some people you are a special time,,
Others think, that you are the source of crime,,
Every bells and phones starting to chime,,
Or maybe it's the sound of dime? haha
it is the day of affection,,
Proving how tight the lovers' connection,,
or it is just a matter of introspection?
14 Februari, sejak kapan tanggal ini mulai ramai diperingati orang sebagai hari kasih sayang, terlepas dari pro dan kontra yang terjadi dimana-mana, saya pikir semua kembali ke orangnya masing-masing, mau di rayain ya monggo, mau ga dirayain juga ga masalah, kalo dihubung-hubungin ke agama mah saya kurang setuju, bukan nyalahin ajarannya, cuma agama itu kan hubungan personal seseorang dengan tuhannya bukan? personal lho! haha.
Hmm, tapi hari Valentine ini selalu mengingatkan untuk segera mencari pacar haha (galau mode), apa saya kurang agresif ya? haha, kalau nyari yang "klop" susah, hmm haha jadi ngomongin pacar kan, back to topic, seingat saya, hanya 1 orang wanita yang pernah saya berikan coklat dan boneka di hari valentine haha guess what? It is my little sister. Ya adik perempuan saya, I really miss her so much, Btw, If only she wasn't my sister I will surely want her to become my GF, haha she is really my type, a cute, long-haired, eye-glassed, girl, with a rather witty personality from outside, but a rather fragile inside, a type of girl that needs a man's protection, but never say that she needs it, so I can keep asking her, are you okay? is there something I can do? and just by looking at her smile, really melts me haha
ea, malah menghayal, tapi ya, sugesti bahwa februari adalah bulan yang penuh dengan cinta, mau ga mau akan sedikit "menggiring" (nidji? haha) kita ke arah situ, anyway, Happy Valentine all! Valentine is not all about a lovers day right? it is about the right time to show how much you love, and how much you care, to your girlfriend, parents, family, bestfriends, and to all people in the world, just spread the love! haha.
"One is loved because one is loved, no reason is needing for loving"
- Paulo Coelho -
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