Not all scars show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can't always see, the pain someone feels

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Thursday, December 2, 2010


Yeah hasil test yg pas jam istirahat dilakuin gara2 ga ad kerjaan ama si tata. nah hasinya kira-kira kayak gini :

Phlegmatic : 17
Melancholic : 15
Sanguine : 6
Choleric : 2

Yup, jadi saya tipe yg seimbang antara phlegma dan melancholy, nah ini kutipan hasil test yang bener2 mengena n cocok :

1.The phlegmatic-melancholic is introverted (though less so than the melancholic-phlegmatic), which means that his deep emotions and anxieties tend not to be clearly expressed.

Yup tepat banget, saya memang tipe-tipe yang susah banget mengekspresikan apa yang saya rasakan, jadi apa yang saya perlihatkan belum tentu itu yang sebenarnya saya rasakan :P

2.They are personable, quiet, and gentle

so true- cant describe it tough, lol

3.When you are first entering a relationship with a phlegmatic-melancholic, you may be struck by how easy-going and agreeable they are, but be aware that they are not revealing the depth of their emotions to you

sangattt tepattt, saya memang tipe pencinta damai, jadi intinya ga suka berdebat walaupun sebenarnya dalam hati ga setuju gitu..

4.As a result of his delayed and sometimes dull response, a phlegmatic-melancholic will be slower to speak out, tempted to procrastinate, and reticent. They may appear – or believe themselves -- at times to be “lazy.”

yah tepat sangat segan, kurang asertif, dan pesimis pada diri sendiri

5.He may become easily offended (though he may not reveal this to you) or discouraged

yeah sangat sesnsitif, gampang tersinggung, tp diem2 aja huhu

6. And though yours isn’t the most dynamic temperament, your lack of defensiveness, calmness under pressure, and gift for mediation in critical situations can make you a very effective servant-leader, one who is willing to roll up his sleeves and work along with those he leads by example.

nah ini saya sering berkorban, tetapi tak pernah dihargai, apakah berkorban harus dibicarakan ke orang lain biar pada tau? :cd

7. If you are phlegmatic-melancholic, it’s likely that you are a bit more upbeat than the melancholic-phlegmatic, a little less introverted, more trusting, slightly less moody, more generous with your time, and a more gracious host

yeah im not that introverted! I have a good sense of humour and also can be very easy going,

8. You will rarely find yourself angry (though your feelings may be easily hurt), forgive more readily, and do not hold onto hurts in the same way that a more dominantly melancholic temperament would.

sure im a forgiver, enough said :p

9. You are compassionate, sensitive, caring, and tend to gravitate to the helping professions. You are a patient and caring teacher

true, but sad i think no one realized it :(

10. You find it difficult to set limits or turn someone down who asks a favor of you; you may be especially drawn to volunteer or missionary work, the apostolate, or other works of mercy. Your phlegmatic side makes it hard to say “no” – although you really want to

yah kelemahan saya, susah nolak permintaan org lain,jadinya berkorban deh T_T


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