according to the dictionary, grateful means feeling or expressing gratitude or be thankful for everything that we got.
yeah it's a simple act and habbit that can lead us to reach never ending happiness, i just dont know why in the hell im making this kind of post, i just feel that i have never grateful enough in every single day that had already been passed.
You know, everyone has parents, mother and father that take care of you since you were a baby until now, they ultimately give their love, their energy, their money, even im quite sure that they are willing to sacrifice their lives in place of ours. but again everyone has their own fate, perhaps some people including me are lucky enough to still be able to see and meet my parents, we can calling, expressing our love, even sharing about our feeling and problem face to face or via cellphone, but unfortunately not everyone is as lucky as me, some of them are called "yatim", i.e someone who already lost one of his/her parents, even some of them lost both of their parents, means they are alone or just live with their brothers/sisters

Yeah, yesterday evening, as usual before going to bed i opened my facebook account via mobile facebook, when i scroll the home page, i see one of my friend's status, it's said : "Mom, Dad miss u so much". at first i think that he missed his parents that live far away from jakarta, but when i see the first comment (accidentally the one who comment his status are our mutual friend) i was shocked, actually his parents were already passed away.
Shocked, absoulutely, i know we just know each other for 6 weeks, but since we were dropped in the same workplace, we can be categorized close enough as a friend. i know we are alike, a type of introverted person who can hardly express or sharing anything to somebody who we think that not-that-close enough. but i just feel ashame, since i didnt know about this fact, and even sometimes i tell him about my parents without knowing how he feel when i tell him about that.
OMG, im so stupid, i can never imagine if only i took his place, desperatly wants to meet my parents that in reality already gone forever, OMG im so useless as a friend, and so ignorant as a person. this make me think, how disgrateful am i as a person, while many of my friends are really wants to meet their parents, i just lazily picked up my phone when my parents called.
This makes me realizes that we should be always grateful in every moment or anything that happens to us whether it's a good or a bad one, cause by always grateful, we will somehow feel happy and peacefully living this life..
special condolences to ken, i know youre strong, and you already showed it to me, hope everything will be good for you, and remember you were not alone, share something if you need to, no need to get rid of it by yourself ok coy!! haha from you i learn to call someone with "coy" and "bro"
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