Not all scars show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can't always see, the pain someone feels

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Junk File #17

Really guys, this post is what triggers me to start to write again, I dont know where to start, but just an hour ago, Brama came back from his church with his high school friends, he already told me that his friend will stay in our house for a night, but what I didnt expect is that his friends that would come is really so many, it is not that I feel distracted by them, but I just feel envy you know, I dont fuckin know why in the hell I always got this kind of feeling, anytime, anywhere. Not just in this house, in the office also, in my campus, I just feel 
like I am the enviest people in this whole universe.

                I must admit, that I envy him so hard, for having a lot of close and great friends like that, the way they talks, jokes, laughs was really priceless, yeah, I know, some of you might think, “You still got plenty of family don’t you” Yeah I did, I have a family, and I love them, but it is not about family, it is about some people who you can lean on everyday, someone who will treat you just like the way you want to be treated, I know, it is my fault, to be honest I did have some great people who absolutely willing to listen to all my fuckin un-important stories, but I freakin dont know why God, why you always give me this kind of feeling, are You trying to make me realize my past mistakes?

                Pathetic isnt it?, and un-important as well right? Haha did I look like a crybaby by writing this kind of post? Nah, nevermind, I know I am still just a boy, I just cant do what I want to do, and keep  blaming the “system” yeah, searching for justification or even a scapegoat for my inabilities, and for those who read it, please dont suddenly change the way you talk or interact with me, that will just make me think that you help me out of pity, and that is one of the reasons why I tried to conceal this blog, just read it and pretend that it had never been written, ok guys? Thanks :)

"I know very little, least of all the people closest to me"
- Cal Lightman - Lie to Me Season 2 -


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