into the chamber of flexibility...
not just hear but also able to see...
smelling, feeling, and touching are all the ability...
tickling the souls with a stimulus...
some of the responses might be obvious...
start from indifference to hilarious...
the unpredictable subject unlike the calculus...
while the sanguines enjoy the party...
melancholics are wandering solitary...
thinking why the phlegmatics keep nodding...
when the cholerics ask them something...
Yep, human being is the most perfect things that God has been created, we are all human, given not only a life and a will,but also a feeling, something that only human has in this galaxy.
feeling plays an important role in our life, some people really dependent in his/her feeling, while some people tend to believe logic instead of their feeling, besides, feeling makes our life more colorful. we may feel happy, angry, sad, or cry cause we got a feel, that what makes our life so interesting.
feeling also plays an important part in creating someone's character. how people response to their feeling, how they act toward that, and how they maintain that feeling, can be diverse widely from one person to another. one good example is when someone is being criticized, perhaps some people will be motivated by that critics, therefore they will do better than before, but other people maybe will be depressed by that critics and they will absolutely do even worse than before.
In the past, somehow i believe that people who has same astrological sign kinda also have the same character, in some cases, it's true, bad sadly, i can't fully accepted this theory, since i found someone who really different from me in character, though, our astrological sign was alike.
Then, when i took a personality test on the internet, and read the result, i shocked the description is 80% correct, it even can describe a thing that i tried to conceal for a long time. since then, I become more and more interested in human personality, when I have a spare time at my office, i browse wikipedia an google to find any article about human personality, and it never gone to waste since now i am able to guess the primary type personality of my friends :D.
Actually, guessing someone personality is an easy task, if you understand what the virtues and the vices of every personality type, you will be sure of what type of personality did your friends has. Here is 4 big types of personality that human have :

Choleric is the most personality that a leader has since
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